Many to one mailmerge aka Manager mail merge

Sometime it’s necessary to email an individual about multiple people. Sometimes, its necessary to email loads of people about loads of people.

I needed a way to email managers about staff in their team who were receiving new equipment. As this was multiple people in multiple teams with multiple managers it was a bit out of the scope of what mail merge is designed to handle.

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The script takes a “source.csv” layed out like this:

1001Joe BloggsiPhone 62001A[email protected]
1002Steve JonesiPhone 52001A[email protected]
1003Dan SmithiPhone 62002B[email protected]

For each unique manager in this list (“A” and “B”) a new email will be created based on an html template “_template.htm”. addressed to the manager and containing a formatted table with their staff.


Using the table above, manager “A” will recieve and email about employees 1001 & 1002, and manager “B” about employee 1003.


  • Edit the "_template.html" file in MS Word (to retain the formatting)
  • Edit/replace the “sourcedata.csv” file, retaining the headers
  • Run the script
  • All messages will sit in outlooks “Draft” folder until ready to send

To Do/Extension

  1. Automatic sending The initial use case for this script need it to be sent by outlook at a given time

  2. More options!

  3. Inline processing This wasn’t required initially but it might be useful to be able to accept the sourcedata table/object via a pipe or argument

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